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Slate lives his life in jerks and starts. He dies, and he comes back to life in a new world, one entirely unfamiliar to him. Yet, when he thinks about it, he recalls bits of his previous lives.
What does that mean? Has he lived those lives? Is he being given a fresh chance to redeem wrongs from a previous existence?
Can it be possible that reincarnation is real? Or is it all a dream?
Can there be something bigger at play in Slate's life?
And what about Levi? He meets the green-eyed, blond-haired man in each of his lives, yet he's never quite sure who he is. Sometimes Levi is a boy, and other times he's a man. Who is this stranger that Slate feels he should know better than a brother?
In addition, why does it frighten New Sabbatical Rome each time Levi and Slate are together? What does the church have to do with Slate's life? More importantly, why are they continually trying to kill him?
Purchase your own copy of The Wheel and discover this explosive new world!
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